Spinal Decompression Treatment
This treatment is non-invasive and provides gentle decompression of the disc using a decompression table. The patient is strapped to the table so that as it moves it applies a distraction force to the targeted area of the spine (the compressed disc). The distraction force is applied in between periods of relaxation. This gently pulls the spine apart elongating it and creating a small vacuum between the vertebrae which pulls the disc back into shape.
Much like a repetitive stress injury, the decompression works in very minute increments. But cumulatively, over five to seven weeks of time that adds up and lets the disc reshape itself. The cycles of decompression and partial relaxation, over a series of visits, promote the diffusion of water, oxygen, and nutrient-rich fluids from the outside of the discs to the inside. These nutrients enable the torn and degenerated disc fibers to begin to heal.
How is Spinal Decompression Performed?
For the low back, the patient lies comfortably on his/her back or stomach on the decompression table with a set of nicely padded straps snug around the waist. For the neck, the patient lies comfortably on his/her back with a pair of soft rubber pads behind the neck. Many patients enjoy the treatment, as it is usually quite comfortable and well-tolerated. The doctor or nurse operates the table from a computerized console, where a customized treatment protocol is entered into the computer.

Therapies used with Spinal Decompression: The therapy may also include electric stimulation, thermotherapy (heat), and cryotherapy (cold) before, during, and/or after the treatment. Dr. Krier uses these therapies to relax the spinal muscles and accelerate the healing process.
Exercises used with Spinal Decompression: A Comprehensive Approach
Dr. Krier combines decompression with therapeutic spinal exercises to maximally rehabilitate the spine. The Air-Flex Automatic Extension Table helps the patient perform repetitive extension spinal exercises following Decompression Therapy. This allows the disc material to move forward into place according to the McKenzie protocol for disc pain relief. Home exercises are also utilized.
Although there is no procedure that is 100% successful, non-surgical spinal decompression therapy has a high success rate with full compliance on the part of the patient. Dr. Krier will recommend that you refrain from certain activities and that you engage in a certain rehabilitation program either during or after your therapy. Patients who adhere to the prescribed therapy enhance their chances of success.
Treatment Frequency Recommendations for Spinal Decompression:
Each treatment takes about 25 to 30 minutes. The average treatment protocol is approximately 20 to 28 treatments within a five to seven-week period of time, depending on the individual’s case.
Beneficial for:
Bulging discs
Back pain
Degenerative disc disease
Herniated discs
Facet syndromes
Leg pain
Neck pain
Pinched nerves
Protruding discs
Radiating arm pain