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Does Vis Clinic contract with Insurance?No, we do not contract with insurance. Fees are due at the time of service.
What form of payment do you accept?We take cash, credit, debit, and local checks.
What kind of patients or problems do we see?Vis Clinic has found success treating a wide variety of patients. This includes everything from preventative wellness to treating chronic illness.
Policy on late arrivals or missed appointments?It is understandable if life circumstances cause you to reschedule your appointment. Please cancel or reschedule your appointment 48 business hours prior to your scheduled time. As your appointment time is set aside specifically to focus on your individual needs, it impacts our office if cancellations occur in less than 48 business hours. One missed appointment is understandable in emergency situations, but more than one missed appointment will assume a $50.00 missed appointment fee for follow up appointments. If you arrive more than 15 minutes after your scheduled appointment time, it may be necessary to reschedule. However, the missed appointment fee will still apply. If you choose to keep your appointment, your visit time will be shortened accordingly. Please call us if you are running late.
Communication and Phone Policy?Because of HIPPA regulations we communicate only through our office telephones and patient portal. By HIPAA standards, we are not allowed to leave results of your lab tests, x-rays, diagnostics, medications, etc., related to your specific health condition on your voicemail, fax, answering machine, etc. Phone calls pertaining directly to your recent visit which require 1-2 minutes will be answered. More complex discussions will require a follow up appointment. If needed, a phone appointment will be scheduled and will be billed at the same rate as an office visit
Prescription Policy?Please make sure all your prescription needs are met before you leave the office. You will be provided with the appropriate number of refills until your next follow up visit. Prescriptions will be electronically sent to the pharmacy or called in directly to the pharmacy. New Prescription medications such as those for hormones and thyroid conditions need to be monitored closely. Office visits will be required more frequently with the start of a new long-term medicine or hormone to evaluate your care, order labs and approve additional refills. If you have not been seen in our office within 12 months, prescriptions will not be refilled without an office visit, this includes IV’s and IM’s. Refills of prescription medications require at least 48 business hour notification. Please ask your pharmacy to fax or electronically send our office a refill request.
Lab Procedures and Results?It is imperative that all lab work that has been agreed upon to be performed by you and the practitioner is completed within the time frame discussed. Please make sure that an appointment has been scheduled to do lab testing. This ensures that the results are available for discussion during your next scheduled appointment. Fasting blood work requires no food for 12-14 hours before your labs. Water and prescription medications are allowed unless otherwise directed by your physician. Because of the wide variety of lab companies Vis Clinic is associated with, labs will arrive at diverse times. Vis Clinic will not call the patient when labs arrive unless the practitioners need to speak to the patient immediately. Also, lab results will not be released to the patient until the day of the patient’s appointment. Allow three full weeks for results to arrive at our facility. (Note: for stool testing and toxicity testing allow 4 weeks from the time the sample is sent.) Results will be discussed only during a scheduled office or phone appointment.
How long before I can get an appointment?It depends on the physician’s schedule, generally we can arrange an appointment within 2-4 weeks.
What are your Supplement Store hours?Monday through Wednesday 8am-5pm, Thursday 8am-3pm We are open 24/7 online at
Do you have to be a patient to shop our store?No, the Vis Clinic supplement store is open to the public.
What is your Supplement Store Return Policy?Vitamins, Supplements, and/or Medical Foods may not be returned unless the product is defective. We believe that every person who purchases our products deserves the freshest, safest products possible.
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